Prioritized labels 0
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Labels 51
DEAL public / PASE
Related to external resources/assets (like using functions from an existing python library, integrating 3D models of an external source, etc.)
Severity 1 - blocker
DEAL public
Any priority label can be associated to a severity. | Severity 1 means that this issue is blocking in terms of impact. When this severity is assigned it means it has no workaround and breaks the code
Severity 2 - Critical
DEAL public
Any priority label can be associated to a severity. | Severity 2 means that this issue is critical in terms of impact. When this severity is assigned it means it has an unacceptably complex workaround
Severity 3 - Medium
DEAL public
Any priority label can be associated to a severity. | Severity 3 means that this issue is medium in terms of impact. When this severity is assigned it means a workaround exists but the severity is significant and inducing still friction.
Severity 4 - Low
DEAL public
Any priority label can be associated to a severity. | Severity 4 means that this issue is Low in terms of impact. When this severity is assigned it means the issue does not affect how things works intrinsecally. It does not even need a workaround. It does not impact productivity or efficiency. It is merely an inconvenience