[Flow-v1.3] API change and improved scripts
Created by: acrovato
This PR brings the latest changes in Flow to master. This version is the minimal requested to run CUPyDO-v1.0
- Split Solver class into Newton and Picard classes, user can choose the algorithm as they see fit
- Improved polar scripts, the solver and the problem are not re-initialized at every change in angle of attack
- Created template functions in python calling the C++ classes and functions used in the tests, if the C++ code changes, then there is only one python file to adapt
- Added CODEOWNERS file
- Minor cleaning/refactoring
- Minor refactoring by @rboman
Tests are passing on debian-4.9 (gaston), ubuntu-16.04 (shippable, no Trilinos) and ubuntu-18.04 (my VM)
- Regarding the template functions I created for flow tests and validation (flow/template.py): I am not sure about this new method, I will probably refactor it into real python API in the future
- Regarding the CODEOWNERS file: this is a test, I will try to PR without adding any reviewers