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Added vii to dart

Paul Dechamps requested to merge pdechamps/dartflo:2DStable into adri


Added vii to dartflo


  • Added vii folder with c++ and python sources.
  • Modified DART API and added VII API.
  • Deleted viscous folder in dart.


Viscous inviscid interaction couples an inviscid solver with a boundary layer model in order to apply a viscous correction to the inviscid flow. In this case, an integral boundary layer formulation has been implemented and allows the computation of corrected flow in two dimensions. The boundary layer model makes use of inviscid quantities at the wall to compute a displacement from the wall (so called displacement thickness) that is applied as a boundary condition in the inviscid flow. The vii/pyVii/ class successively runs the computation of both solvers and handles a proper communication between the two.
The new viscous solver is based on a pseudo-unsteady integral boundary layer formulation that handles laminar and turbulent compressible flows. Despite the unsteady nature of the equations, the code is unable to perform unsteady calculations. A time-marching algorithm based on Newton's method is used to solve the system.

Capabilities and limitations
The current implementation allows for the computation of 2D high Reynolds number, attached and mildly separated flow in subsonic and transonic regimes. The solver handles flow with free-transitions although some limitations arise when the transition occurs in supersonic flow regions. Forced transition has been tested and works but the option has not been formally implemented.
The current test case is a simple low lift free transition compressible case. The computational time is around 2 seconds on 1 core. To avoid longer computational times, there is no separation in the flow and the routines associated to separated flow are not tested.

All CMAKE files have been updated to work with the vii implementation. In particular, the dartflo/dart/viscous/ folder was removed from the installation and the vii folder was added to the dartflo/CMakeLists.txt.
The code was tested on Mac using Clang compiler but WITHOUT VTK and MUMPS options. ubuntu22.04 was tested with all functionalities. Installation worked on both os.


  • ubuntu22.04 (GNU 11, python 3.10)
  • windows10 (vs 2019, python 3.8.7)
  • MacOS 12.3 (Clang 11, python 3.9)
Edited by Adrien Crovato

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