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amfe - v1.0.1

Adrien Crovato requested to merge hotfix into master

amfe - version 1.0.1

Various improvements


  • Changed the initialization process (initDLL(), initMKL(), and parseargs())
    initDLL() is now called in fwk/ so that DLL are always found on windows both for development and installed versions. parseargs() is now called ONLY during (so only for the development version). Scripts using the installed version must provide their own cl parsing. As a consequence, initMKL() is also called ONLY during, hence requiring any API to call it explicitly.
  • Updated CMake to copy ${SOURCE_DIR}/ to ${INSTALL_DIR}/, instead of writing it (in CMakeLists.txt)
  • Updated the constructor of MshDeform to include the number of threads


Passed on ubuntu 20.04.

Merge request reports
