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Discrete Adjoint for Rapid Transonic Flows
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Synthetic data related to MOAMMM project: SVE viscoelastic-viscoplastic responses This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862015.
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An universal bidsificator of multi-modal datsets
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Script analysing results from Simian (http://www.harukizaemon.com/simian/) xml file output in order to detect plagiarism between two projects. It will filter Simian results and remove all duplicated blocks that concern only one project.
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Field panel method for quickly solving 3D transonic flows
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Aeroelastic flutter solution based on dynamic modes interpolation
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Dossiers d'exemple du code de calcul wolfgpu
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OMFlut is a framework for performing flutter-constrained optimization
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Pieces of codes and dataset that will be useful for the course "Mathematique générale et modelisation des systemes dynamiques" (MATH2016-1)
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Example of FE solvers using the amfe library