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A three factor (Red v. Green v. Violet) repeated measures design to investigate the effect of wavelength of light on pseudo-hallucination production under MMGF (n = 33).
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Codes C et ASM pour le cours d'ODO (édition 2019-2020)
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Rotare / Rotor database
MIT LicenseDatabase for rotor geometries and associated experimental data.
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Adaptive time stepping approach for Phase-Field modeling of phase separation and precipitates coarsening in additive manufacturing alloys - COMPLAS 2021 related paper: https://www.scipedia.com/public/Fetni_et_al_2022a
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 101056682 for the project “DIgital DEsign strategies to certify and mAnufacture Robust cOmposite sTructures (DIDEAROT)”. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ULiege and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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Matlab (.m) and Python (.py) related to the lecture "Introduction to synthetic and systems biology"
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Project focused on the spatial-temporal interpolation of along-track altimetry data using the DIVA software tool.
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Class to compute statistics (mean, variance, skew, kurtosis) in one pass. Allows parallel computation with addition operator.